Wordless News Update

Hi Friends!

If you’ve been following Wordless News you’ve probably noticed I took a hiatus. I’ve creating Wordless News since 2013 and this summer I needed a break. The news is overwhelming at times I just needed to hit pause. I was also battling some serious morning sickness, I’ve got a baby on the way due in late January. Hooray!

I am hoping to get back to the routine of Wordless News in the next few weeks and continue until the baby arrives. At the end of January I will take another hiatus from Wordless News to focus on the new born responsibilities. I will be maintaining freelance work during that time, but I’ll need to take a break from WN.

Wordless News is my passion project. I do not make money creating the images. As our family has grown, I’ve needed to focus on paying work and spending time with my 2 year old over the past couple of years. I’ve certainly missed some important days in the news cycle but this is a season of life when my passion project just needs to be able to shift to the back burner.

I know there are many, many teachers who use Wordless News in the classroom. Several of you have reached out over the past few weeks asking where I’ve been and I want you to know that I am truly grateful that you follow WN and use it in your classroom. I want to continue to be a part of your curriculum as much as possible.

No doubt there will be days I have to miss a post in the coming months but I’m committed to trying to stay in the routine. WN is such a part of my process as an illustrator and I care deeply about the people who support me and follow along.


