Mic Check

 This is public speaking — on the inside.

I am both excited and nervous to announce a few upcoming speaking engagements and solo shows! I hope to see familiar faces and make new friends at all of these events. I'll add to this list as other things firm up on my calendar.  


October 10th | ConvergeRVA | Richmond VA

November 6-8 | Creative Industries Studio | Washington, DC 
This is a two-day workshop for educators and students. This conference is hosted by NAEA/NAHS so I'll be workshopping with High school teachers and educators! 

November 19th, 2014 | IGNITE- EngenuitySC | Columbia, SC



Winter 2015 | Georgia College | More Details to come!

Spring 2015 | South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities 
I'll be showing work from Wordless News in the Lipscomb Gallery and speaking to the school as well as working in the afternoon with the students. I am so, so excited to return the Governor's School as an Alumni. 
